Sunday, November 7, 2010

Ted Ellis Nature Reserve - 2

Another lovely day painting at the nature reserve. I was planning to walk a little further in but found that by just wandering a little further around this pool I had a completely different viewpoint. What a gorgeous day! I am so happy to be working outside again. Nothing like a bit of fresh air to put colour into your cheeks! It was a bit too cold though!

Here are a few more photos I took around the Nature reserve


loriann signori said...

Hi Lynne, Sounds like you are really relishing your time outdoors plein air painting.What a lovely environment!

Lynne E. Windsor said...

Yes, Loriann, I am. This place is so sweet and hardly anyone knows about it, so very quiet too.

Katherine Kean said...

Wow - look at the color - how beautiful!

Thanks for sharing your pictures.

Lynne E. Windsor said...

Thanks Katherine... it is gorgeous isn't it? How did your show go?

Katherine Kean said...

Hi Lynne, we had a fantastic turnout at the opening and lots of events still ongoing, like the Q&A Panel tomorrow. Thanks for asking!

Lynne E. Windsor said...

Good to hear that it went well. Hope tomorrow is enjoyable!