Here is the next stage of my latest commission. Just waiting for it to dry now so that I can work on it again. I am a little distracted at the moment with 'stuff' .. so not really up to blogging.. but working very hard nevertheless. Sometimes life is really hard... although I shouldn't complain as most people have it harder.
Anyway, here is a photo of the fens where I took Missy (I was dog sitting) for a walk. My Dad lives near here.. you can see for miles! It's The Wash, if anyone is interested, the coastline above Norfolk. Quite different from living in the valley between the Sangre de Cristos and the Jemez Mountains!
And here is another photo of some poppies on the edge of a barley field and Missy on my way back to my Dad's house after my weekend in Norfolk.
My husband, Barry McCuan arrives in about three weeks. We have been apart since the end of January and I have just about had enough of being on my own!
It's wonderful to get to see this work as it unfolds. The Wash looks wide and green. Hooray for your husband coming to visit you soon!
Thanks Katherine. The Wash has an amazing quality.. it is really the sea. Once when walking out on the marshy part we got cut off as the tide came in. We had to wade through the creeks up to our waist in water in order to get on dry land! Oh yes, I am needing my husband!
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