Barry and I are down in Kingsgate, near Margate, Kent for a few days. Staying with our friend Jim enables us to paint some of the gorgeous places down here. It's good to get back to painting for sure! I know you have seen some photos from this area before. It is really one of my most favourite places.
Today, since it was very windy, we took a break and went to see the Grayson Perry exhibit at
Turner Contemporary. Wow, how amazing he is. I loved his ceramics... so contemporary yet referencing historical subjects, art and traditions. My BA is in ceramics but I haven't really touched clay for years. I found myself wanting to have another go. His
pots are classically shaped, handmade (coiled) with wonderful surfaces covered in multiple colours, drawings, photographs and advertisements from various eras and locations often relating to his childhood. The surfaces are paintings in themselves. I am also in awe of his etchings... goodness me! They are incredible. I know what it takes to make an etching like these and I am IMPRESSED!
Here is an interesting
article regarding one of the etchings that was in the exhibition. You never get tired of looking at them but I wished I owned one so I could sit down and really spend time examining them closely.
Early this morning before it became really windy, we were out painting on Botany Bay. How I love this place! I feel that I am just getting to grips with painting again and my strokes are freer and often thicker. Well, we will see what happens!
My special rocks on Botany Bay |
Barry |
Me, trying to decide where to paint. |
One of my studies |
Obviously the beach is the place to go for an early morning dog walk and natter! |
Barry getting started |
Me, holding down everything as the wind whistled by! |
Last night wasn't so sunny, but I just had to get out and paint. |
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