Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A small departure

I usually try to keep my blog for work purposes and inspirational photos... but this I had to share. My middle daughter, Rosie works at the Dorchester hotel in London (even though she is a graduate of archeology!) We finally got to go and experience afternoon tea there yesterday... with a little champagne! This is a photo of the amazing cakes that we couldn't manage to eat and had to take home in a doggy bag! How amazing these would be to paint!


Jala Pfaff said...

Wow! Did you paint any?

Lynne E. Windsor said...

No, Jala they were gobbled up by Barry, myself and our friends! Beautiful aren't they and they tasted so good! Surprisingly, really as I am not that keen on really sweet cakes, but these had amazingly subtle flavours and were not that sweet. Still you get what you pay for! The Dorchester is quite posh!